Lists of all known to me books about lepidoptera either from my library, catalogs or websites.
Lists of all known to me stamps with butterflies and moths as listed in SCOTT catalog.
This site is a compilation of resources available on the web and elsewhere put together by . Best when viewed at 1024x768 resolution. For copyright purposes most of the art on this site - including backgrounds, GIFs, photos are not created or owned by me. The main contributors of the graphics are: Please let me know if I incidentally violated your copyright. Photographs bearing my name are free-for-all to use for any non-commercial purpose (copying to other sites, printing in free brochures etc.)
If you have any questions, or find defunct link, please e-mail me.
Please let me know if your site is not included and I'll create link to it (sorry but I changed some site names to reflect subjects I wanted to highlite or to point to certain pages of interest within sites). If you send me your banner, I'll post a banner instead of plain link. My goal is to find as many Lepidoptera sites as possible and provide links to them.
Most photographs are not mine, but from prominent web photographers and taken in different parts of the country. Number of pictures of caterpillars and chrysalis are by Thomas J.Allen borrowed from , that have superb collection (unfortunately, it's been off for some time now). Most ova are from , boasting huge array of high-quality egg photos. If you need hard-to-find upperside images of small butterflies, check
Dave Wagner/AnthroPhoto. is another source of stunning high-resolution images of caterpillars. Also lots of very detailed pictures come from and few others. If I incidentally violated your copyright, please let me know and I'll deal with it immediately.
There might be some books still available for free for enthusiasts from USDA Forest Service (subject to availability):
1. Caterpillars of Pacific Northwest Forests & Woodlands
2. Macromoths of Northwest Forests & Woodlands
3. Geometroid Caterpillars of Northeastern & Appalachian Forests
4. Caterpillars of Eastern Forests
5. Caterpillars on the Foliage of Conifers in the Northeastern U.S.
6. Lepidoptera of the Pacific Northwest: Caterpillars & Adults
Books contain very good description & photos. Try requesting your copy from:
Antiquarian, out-of-print and hard-to-find Lepidoptera books.
31 Llanvanor Road,
London NW2 2AR UK

List of Photo Cotributors
Jay Cossey, Dale Clark, Mike Quinn, Thomas J.Allen, MzMunchker, Harry N.Darrow, Dave Wagner/AnthroPhoto, W.Bouton, Jim Porter, Nearctica, Mike Reese, Rick Cech, Bastiaan M.Drees, Eric Isley, Erik Nielsen, E.R.Degginger/Color-Pic, Inc., C.Allan Morgan, Adam Winer, David Liebman, INRA - Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of the French Antilles, Science Museum of MN, Stephan Shuichi Haupt, Markku Savela, Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility (CBIF), WildlifeWebSite, University of FL (UF),, Edward S.Ross, Troy Bartlett, Floridata, Bill Standke, Guy Padfield, Patricia A.Michaels, John Shaw, Marj Rines, B.Muncrief, Jim Brock, M.Singer, Peter J.Bryant, Michael Borsch, Simon Coombes, Chris Rickards, Andrew Spencer, Tony DiTerlizzi, Patrick Coin, Mark Lasko, Bob Barber, Randy Emmitt, David J.Powell, TILS - International Lepidotera Survey, WorldInsect, University of AZ, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Walter Schoen, Olli Vesikko, Mario Peluso, Arttoday, Jeffrey Pippen, P.M.Catling, Kenelm Philip, J.Howland, Richard Seaman, Fred Goodwin, D.Hanson, Jenny Rasmussen, Ken Neil, Royal BC Museum, Matt Paulsen, Paul A.Opler, Therese Arcand, Susan Borkin, David M.Wright, J.T.Troubridge, Nicolai V.Vassilev, John Slivoski, Christian Guay, Esko Viitanen, Pteron World, WMNH, ND State University, Lynn Scott, James Adams, Randy Newman, Tom Murray, Larry West, Tom Lewis, Larvalbug, Gill Cater, Charles Brysion, Cayle Strickland, John Haarstad, Dave Czaplak, Larry Line, Robert Dana, Jeremy B.Tatum