1954 1stamp out of set #202A
1966 1stamp & 1block out of set
1972 1stamp out of set
1976 ##1004-1013
1986 1sheet of 6 #1467
1991 2stamps out of set #1625, #1627
1994 #1767; also exists as ss of 2 #1767a., perhaps another stamp #1768; also exists as ss of 2 #1768a.
1962 ##369-372 (IVERT catalog)
1965-66 3stamps
1978 4stamps out of set #1474, #1475, #1476, #6 air (IVERT catalog)
1987 ##1874-1879 (IVERT catalog)
1989 3stamps ot of set, 1ss
1991 5stamps
1988-90 ##424-440 (includes 424A & 430A) ( 431-440 are different size)
1990 stamp out of set #536
1979 1stamp out of set; exists surcharged
1980 ##356-359
1994 ##634-651( also #635,636,638,648,650 exist overprinted in 2000 as ##763-767)
1998 sheet of 6 #116
2000 ##147-152
KARAKALPAKIA (Russian Federation)
???? Sheet of 4
1998 Sheet of 6
1998 Sheet of 6
KOMI (Russian Federation)
1997 sheet of 4
???? strip of 4
1998 Sheet of 6
KARELIA (Russian Federation)
???? Sheet of 6 #130-135
???? Sheet of 6 #136-141, SS #142
???? Sheet of 6 #344-349