This survey was conducted by Mike Reese (author of www.wisconsinbutterflies.org) and
Dreux J. Watermolen (Wisconsin DNR). The original document can be accessed by
clicking the green button below
1. Eastern Black Swallowtail -
Papilio polyxenes asterius
2. Eastern Tiger Swallowtail -
Papilio glaucus glaucus
3. Giant Swallowtail
- Papilio cresphontes
1. Cabbage Butterfly -
Pieris rapae
2. Checkered White
- Pontia protodice
3. Alfalfa Butterfly (Orange Sulfur) -
Colias eurytheme
4. Common (Clouded) Sulfur -
Colias philodice
1. Eyed Brown -
Satyrodes eurydice
2. Appalachia Brown
- Satyrodes appalachia
3. Common Wood Nymph -
Cercyonis pegala nephele
4. Northern Pearly Eye
- Enodia anthedon
5. Little Wood Satyr
- Megisto cymela
1. Hackberry Butterfly -
Asterocampa celtis
2. Tawny Emperor -
Asterocampa clyton
3. Red-Spotted Purple -
Limenitis arthemis astyanax
4. Viceroy -
Limenitis archippus
5. Red Admiral -
Vanessa atalanta rubria
6. Eastern Comma -
Polygonia comma
7. Question-Mark -
Polygonia interrogations
8. Grey Comma
- Polygonia progne
9. Mourning Cloak -
Nymphalis antiopa
10. Buckeye -
Junonia coenia
11. Painted Beauty -
Vanessa virginiensis
12. Painted Lady (Thistle Butterfly) -
Vanessa cardui
13. Great Spangled Fritillary -
Speyeria cybele
14. Aphrodite Fritillary
- Speyeria aphrodite
15. Pearl Crescent-Spot -
Phyciodes tharos
16. Baltimore -
Euphydryas phaeton
17. Silver-bordered Fritillary -
Boloria selene
18. Meadow Fritillary
- Boloria bellona
1.Coral Hairstreak -
Satyrium titus
2. Acadian Hairstreak -
Satyrium acadicum
3. Edward's Hairstreak
- Satyrium edwardsii
4. Banded Hairstreak
- Satyrium calanus falacer
5. Bronze Copper -
Lycaena hyllus
6. American Copper -
Lycaena phlaeas
7. Gray Copper -
Lycaena xanthoides dione
8. Eastern Tailed Blue -
Everes comyntas
9. Spring Azure -
Celastrina ladon lucia
10. Summer Azure
- Celastrina neglecta
11. Harvester
- Feniseca tarquinius
1. Monarch -
Danaus plexippus
1. Black-dash -
Euphyes conspicuus
2. Dion Skipper -
Euphyes dion
3. Dun Skipper -
Euphyes vestris
4. Silver-spotted Skipper -
Epargyreus clarus
5. Delaware Skipper -
Anatrytone logan
6. European Skipper -
Thymelicus lineola
7. Least Skipper -
Ancyloxypha numitor
8. Common Sooty-wing -
Pholisora catullis
9. Juvenal's Dusky-wing -
Erynnis juvenalis
10. Sleepy Duskywing
- Erynnis brizo
11. Northern Cloudy-Wing
- Thorybes pylades
12. Peck's Skipper -
Polites peckius
13. Long Dash
- Polites mystic
14. Mulberry-wing -
Poanes massasoit
15.Hobomok Skipper
- Poanes hobomok
16. Northern Broken-Dash
- Wallengrenia egeremet